Just as the title says, here is my todo list.
It is all on hold as my ISP is buying a new server to place WP on. The build will have updated versions of all the software/OS needed to run the latest WP. So my todo list is on hold waiting for my ISP to get and install and transfer all my WP work.
The transfer didn’t go all too well. Probably because I didn’t follow the instructions. Since this was a fairly new blog then I’m not really concerned. I rebuilt some major posts and thus the site is reborn.
Upgrade to WordPress 2.8
Validate the website, http://codex.wordpress.org/Validating_a_Website
The XHTML doesn’t validate well. The errors reported are in javascript and don’t appear to be valid errors. So all is well for now.
Get an affiliate agreement and a nice looking SmugMug affiliate logo and place it in a sidebar. I’d actually like to have it automatically show up in posts where I mention SmugMug.
ISP Wishlist/todo
- Compile SimpleXML into the next build http://us3.php.net/manual/en/book.simplexml.php
- Get a new PHP 5.x compiled onto a new server.
- Make sure the GD lib is set to accept tiffs, and jpegs.
The ISP has been great and has readily fixed the very fewe problems I’ve had since we added the new server. Thanks Bo!!!
Verify that Google Analytics are working for the site.
Add AddThis to the site.
Find a tool to help me manage a “Sign up for my quarterly email newsletter.” Also find a service to manage that. Constant Contact / Ask Emma. something like that.
Shopping Cart (aka: eCommerce solution for selling fine art prints) I already use SmugMug for all my event work.
Look into multilingual support, not so much for this site but for the one I’m building after this. Needs to be German/English compatible.
Add robots.txt for SEO use, probably with KB Robots.txt Since I’m using WP at the root of the site this plugin will probably work well for me. As I’m no longer using the root for the blog I’ve updated this accordingly.