Right now I’m just testing to see when I get an error
When I upload a 1x1px images I don’t get any errors. When I upload any other image from 50x50px to 5×7@300ppi (1500x2100px image) I get this error message:
Warning: imagecreatefromstring() [function.imagecreatefromstring]: No JPEG support in this PHP build in /export/home/davidw/weaver.net/wp-admin/includes/image.php on line 147
Is the image too big? If I continue the upload process all the images display as you see above.
is this a PHP 4.x vs. 5.x issue?
[update 6/20/09] It seems to be an issue of not having the GD or comparable library of image processing files on the host. I’ve sent a note off to my ISP.
[update 6/30/09] The function call that creates this error comes from /wp-admin/image.php I still can’t determine if this is a PHP issue or something else. GD is installed and is currently “GD Version bundled (2.0.28 compatible)”. I’m taking a hint from this post (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/220694) to see if I can use the ‘Save for Web & Devices…’ in Photoshop CS4.
I’ve just run some tests. Changing the way the JPEG file is created and I still get the same errors. I also took the file down to a reasonable web size of 900px x 650px and saved it using the ‘Save for Web & Devices…’ setting in Photoshop, this also resulted in the error.
Looking at the image.php file I note that there is an extra linefeed after the closing ‘?>” in the file. I’ve corrected that and put the changed file, now let me try uploading a small images that has been saved for web from PS.
Rats. No change in errors. So now I’ll Google “No JPEG support in this PHP build”. Looking at phpinfo reports that I’m on 4.43
More info at this post http://bugs.libgd.org/?do=details&task_id=125
There seems to be a faily old version(2.0.28) of GD installed. It’s old enough that I should go looking for old posts on this problem.
AH HA! I’ve uploaded a 900px wide version of a file as a PNG-8 file and it worked without errors!
Now time to try this with a large PS image that has been converted to PNG-24.
I’m going to toss this problem back to my ISP and ask for an upgraded GD library until they can upgrade to PHP 5.x. This link may also be of interest to the server admin too: http://phpbuilder.com/board/showthread.php?t=10303811
SOLVED! The problems was that there was no JPEG support in the php build. This has been resolved by my ISP.